Whole Jalap. Peppers

Made In: Mexico Capacity: 2.8 kg Quantity Per A Package: 6 Kosher: Chief Rabbinate of Israel
Catalog Number: 4-1001
Jalapeño chili pepper is one of the most common and important components in the Mexican kitchen and the Tex-Mex kitchen (the kitchen that evolved in Texas in USA and influenced by the Mexican kitchen and the American Texan kitchen). Jalapeño pepper is a short pepper, chubby and relatively pungent. Usually Jalapeño picked when it is green, but if it allowed to ripen on the tree it gets a dark red color. Jalapeño peppers form the basis for salsa, sauces and for cooked food and it is served as addition to Nachos, into Burrito and Taco, or accompanying meat foods, eggs and fish. Jalapeño peppers is very suitable for pickling, and when they are preserved with vegetables like onion and carrot, they got more flavors, and they also composed and suitable to be served with non-Mexican meals. It is conventional in the Tex-Mex kitchen to fill whole pickled Jalapeño in hard or soft cheeses and to serve it as is or after deep frying topped with breadcrumbs.