Green Curry Sauce

Made In: Thailand Capacity: 250 ml Quantity Per A Package: 12 Kosher: Chatam Sofer Bnei Brak
Catalog Number: 1-6100
Curry is the name given by Westerners to a mixture of spices originating in the Indian sub-continent. The name is attributed, by one version, to the leaves of the curry plant; another version has it as meaning “hot dish” in one of the local dialects; either way – Indian culinary culture does not have prepared mixtures of spices called curry. The English who conquered India referred by the word to a local mixture of spices, and as an extension to dishes based on it. Curry, as a mixture of spices, migrated to other East Asian countries, such as China, Japan and others. Thai curry is referred to as such by Westerners, but not by the Thai, and despite the identical name the two are completely different. As a broad generalization, Indian curry may be described as based on dry spices, whereas Thai curry is based on a paste of “wet” spices (fruit skins, leaves, roots, etc.). Traditionally, Thai curry is based on curry pastes which must be fried before adding any liquids and cooking. Today Thai curry sauces can be found, which shorten preparation time and do not require being cooked, only being added to the other ingredients cooked along with coconut milk.